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Member Accomplishments 2023

Here is a list of Cottingham players and their year-end national rankings in Tennis Canada's Masters division:

WS45 Kanta Murali #2
MS55 Andrew Akman #17

MS65 Marc Pepin #11
MS70 Tim Griffin #2
MS70 Peter Gonda #8
WS70 Charlotte De Heinrich #9
MS75 Fernand Martin #3
MS75 John Payne #4

WD45 Kanta Murali #2
MD65 Barnaby Kalan #5
MD65 Marc Pepin #7
MD65 Scott Cathcart #22 (*notable mention for hardest slapshot half volley)
MD70 Tim Griffin #1
MD70 Peter Gonda #22
WD70 Charlotte De Heinrich #4
MD75 Fernand Martin #2
MD75 John Payne #3

Congratulations on your hard work and success!


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