Join Our Club!
How to Join Cottingham Tennis Club
We currently have a waitlist to join the club. Click here to fill out the form online with your name and contact information, and add your name to the list.
Let us know if you happen to live on Cottingham Street (East of Avenue Road) or Sydney Street.
You can also view the waitlist from that page and determine your position on the list.
Members are admitted on a first-come, first-served basis depending on your position on the waitlist. In a typical year, Cottingham has approximately 15 new vacancies for club memberships.
Thank you for your interest in our club. For your reference, see below for the 2024 fees for membership.
Membership Fees for 2024:
New Member Initiation (Adult only):
$850 + $110.50 HST = $960.50
(Paid in addition to Adult Membership Fee)
Adult membership -- age 25+:
$437.80 + $56.91 HST = $494.71
Membership Hold (Adult Only) One Season Hold on Adult Membership -- age 25+
$97.35 + $12.65 HST = $110.00 ***
Intermediate --18-24 years old
$146.00 + $18.98 HST = $ 164.98
Junior -- Up to 17 years old
$48.68 + $ 6.32 HST = $55.00
*** Please note: members may only put their adult membership on hold for ONE season. After that, members must either pay for a full seasonal membership or give up their membership.